Sunday, February 19, 2006 |
Cultural Exchange
On February 18 and 19, the foreign students of GITS - Waseda University in Honjo participated in two different events aimed as Cultural Exchange events.
The first day, Saturday, February 18, the 24 of us were invited to Honjo Nishi Junior High School where we would give a presentation about our contries to the students and their parents. It is a big school and there were 12 classes from the first grade to the third grade.
When we arrived there, they welcomed us with a merry reception with songs, speaches, and decorations. The three of us -Mama, Hikari, and I- were assigned to give a presentation about Indonesia for a third graders. When we entered the class, the teacher, the students and their parents had been waiting for us, and the pictures of Indonesia that we sent to them earlier were displayed on the black board. To our surprise, the blackboard had Indonesian languages read SELAMAT DATANG and TERIMA KASIH BANYAK. They even greeted us in SELAMAT PAGI. Wow! They really were fully prepared!
So, there we were in front of the class. The three of us, including Hikari. While Mama was busy explaining about Indonesia and Papa was busy holding the pictures, Hikari was busy copying every word we said...

Below is the picture of Fitri, Shoda Sensei, and me. Fitri is also a JDS fellow in GITS Waseda. Shoda Sensei is Mama's Japanese Teacher. He was also a principal in Honjo Nishi Junior High a long time ago. Besides that, Shoda Sensei is also our 'mentor' in Honjo.

After we finished the presentation, the students gave us beautiful omiyage(s). Japanese origami, Honjo flowers, and Japanese caligraphy. Thank you, guys. We really enjoyed being with you.

The second day, Sunday, February 19, we were invited by the Saitama International Friendship Group of of Honjo city for a lunch party. We made friends with the local people, tasted their food, and enjoyed the Koto and Samisen performance. Hikari got the chance to learn to play Japanese 'badminton' and 'yoyo'. They also explained how the Japanese celebrated their New Year. After that two of our friends from Vietnam and Thailand gave their presentation on how people in their countries celebrated new year.

Then, we got the chance to learn to play Koto.

And then Hikari wanted us to capture him while he posed. Look, Imai-san, behind Hikari watched Hikari with amazement. Imai-san took Hikari everywhere, including picking up Hikari's favorite food: shrimp.

Thank you so much, Honjo-jin. We really had a great time! And we looovveee the caligraphy! (It is as tall as our cupboard!)
See you again, next time |
posted by Me-Reza @ 6:55 PM
The Doer |
Eja? Anca? Reza? Ring any bells? Yup! That's me!
A Brief Overview |
- A master
student of the Graduate School of Global Information and Telecommunication Studies at Waseda University, Japan.
- A fellow of the 2004 Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS) Program.
- An employee of one of state-owned Indonesian banks.
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